Sepsis is a systemic infection in the body, mainly coming from bacteria, primarily E. coli, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus, (90% of sepsis cases) or fungi (10% of cases) and rarely from viruses. Almost 50 million people worldwide develop sepsis each year, and as many as 11 million people die from the disease.

2nd leading cause of mortality in the world (3rd in the US)

20% of all intensive care unit admissions (severe sepsis and septic shock)

$20 Bn /year : Cost of treatment of sepsis in the US 

Approximately 750 000 hospitalised patients are diagnosed with severe sepsis in the USA annually, with an estimated mortality rate of up to one-third. Additionally, the average hospital stay for sepsis is twice as expensive as other conditions, and the average incidence of severe sepsis is increasing by approximately 13% per year.

Three stages of sepsis exist, from the least severe to the most severe: sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock. Symptoms of sepsis may include:

  • Change in mental status.
  • Fast, shallow breathing.
  • Sweating for no clear reason.
  • Feeling lightheaded.
  • Shivering.
  • Symptoms specific to the type of infection, such as painful urination from a urinary tract infection or worsening cough from pneumonia.

Symptoms of sepsis are not specific. They can vary from person to person, and sepsis may appear differently in children than in adults.*



The most common treatment of sepsis is the use of antibiotics and especially Broad Spectrum Antibiotics for later stage sepsis patients. Supportive care, vasopressors, fluids are used to help the body fight sepsis and prevent organ damage, such as acute kidney injury, liver failure, cardiovascular and pulmonary problems, etc. In case of AKI, a dialysis can be used to support the kidney function. 

MexBrain is developing a new treatment against sepsis by targeting iron, a necessary component for bacteria and fungi growth and also involved in organs complications like AKI occurring during severe sepsis and septic shock. Using a dialysis machine in the ICU connected to patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, the treatment focuses on the free iron chelation by MEX-CD1 from the blood. A first clinical trial is starting soon in France (Nîmes) to explore the safety, feasibility and extraction capability of this new treatment in sepsis.