About Arbevel

Created in 1997 and taken over by its current managers in 2009, Financière Arbevel is an independent and enterprising management company. It has known a strong growth with assets under management that went from 25 millions to 2.2 billions euros under the current management and a team of 35 people. The assets are well divided between open -end funds (PLUVALCA Unit trust and its 9 compartments) and dedicated funds and mandates, everything for an intermediated customer base, institutional and private.

Financière Arbevel wishes to continue its development strategy by capitalising on its recognised stock-picker DNA, assuming being before all a “Research House that does management”.

Several growth drivers have been identified: an increasingly European investment universe, bond expertise centred around small and mid caps issues by developing synergies between credit and equity analysis. In addition, diversified management allowing for flexible exposure to equities with reduced volatility, and the deployment of a franchise towards non-listed equities (first fund in October 2018 on Life Sciences) and bonds (launch at the end of 2019 of a private fund for SMEs with an EIF guarantee).

This success is based above all on the professionalism and commitment of its employees, fostered by ambitious recruitment (doubling of the workforce since 2015) and proactive shareholding (all employees are shareholders)

About Bpifrance 

Bpifrance finances companies – at every stage of their development – with credit, guarantees and equity capital. Bpifrance supports them in their innovation and international projects. Bpifrance also ensures their export activity through a wide range of products. Consulting, university, networking and acceleration programs for startups, SMEs and ETIs are also part of the offer proposed to entrepreneurs. Thanks to Bpifrance and its 50 regional offices, entrepreneurs benefit from a close, single and efficient contact to help them face their challenges. More information on: www.Bpifrance.fr – Follow us on Twitter : @Bpifrance – @BpifrancePresse

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Logo French Tech Seed

About the French Tech Seed fund

The €500 million French Tech Seed Fund aims to support the fundraising of innovative start-ups and VSEs under 3 years of age with technology-intensive innovations. The fund, which is part of the French government’s investment program for the future (PIA) and operated by Bpifrance, relies on accredited business introducers to identify and qualify these start-ups and put them in touch with private investors. These business introducers, who guarantee the technological validity of the project, will allow public investment in the form of Convertible Bonds, in addition to the capital provided by private investors.

About Kreaxi

KREAXI is a leading French venture capital firm investing in young innovative companies with high growth potential, managing €150 million through a range of pan-European and regional funds. KREAXI has invested in 550 companies over the past 30 years (21 of which have been listed on the stock exchange), has 60 active participations in its portfolio, and has a team of 13 professionals based in Lyon and Paris.

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